Patented Pain Relief

I had chondro-dermatitis nodularis helicis, (CNH) and on a scale of one to ten, the pain level is a fifteen.
CNH is caused by sleeping on the same side nightly. Many of the remedies suggested are costly, and they still don't work, or they are impractical. I've tried them all.
The trouble is any contact with fabric, even the slightest brush to reposition a pillow, sends a CNH sufferer into spasms of agony. With CNH, the wind hurts, if it blows across your ear.
I sat straight up in bed wondering, how long can this possibly go on?
CNH can take over a year to heal because every brush against fabric prolongs the condition.
The National Institute of Health recommended I "cut a hole in a sponge and hold it on with a head band." I laughed when I read that. It seemed my condition was not getting the attention it deserved.
After many starts and stops, and more mistakes than I care to count, I am happy to bring you a way to roll over on your favorite side again. The CNH Donut Pillow was born so you can get a restful night's sleep.
Sweet dreams.